Human Rights and International Crimes Panel Held

The panel titled “Human Rights and International Crimes: The Case of Palestine”, organized in collaboration with our department and the Faculty of Law, was held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in the Faculty of Law Conference Hall.

The panel was moderated by our Department Chair, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Fişne. During the panel, the following presentations were delivered:

  • Leyla Nur Oduncu (Rapporteur of the Constitutional Court): “The Crime of Genocide within the Scope of Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights,”
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Seher Çakan: “South Africa v. Israel Genocide Case,”
  • Res. Assist. Dr. Özgür Çakın: “The International Criminal Court and the Palestine Issue.”

The event addressed current issues in human rights violations and international law, discussing genocide crimes and international criminal law through the example of Palestine.

10 December 2024, Tuesday 47 kez görüntülendi